Post edited 5:26 am – May 26, 2009 by ImNuckinFuts
Post edited 4:28 pm – May 26, 2009 by ImNuckinFuts
First off, I would like to say that your tutorials have been like gold to me, here at this website. Thank you.
Now, I'm following the Bits Animation tutorial (found here: http://tutorials.flashmymind.c…..animation/) and I came across a weird error that I cannot debug:
Location: Symbol 'myNumberMC'
1026: Constructor functions must be instance methods.
I tried looking into why it would have this error, but to no avail. I'm more accustomed to C++ debugging at this point. I'm assuming that it has to do with what type of symbol it is, or whether it even is one, but I'm pretty sure I have it as a Movie symbol.
P.S. – Usin CS4.
P.P.S. – Also pretty sure I followed directions straight through correctly.
EDIT: I re-did the tutorial today and had it functionally working (though the width of the numbers had to be adjusted to fit the 300×300 screen). I believe that the linkage step is what errored up my project in the previous attempt. It's funky to do on CS4.