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PLease help!!!!

User Post

5:32 am
January 15, 2010


New Member

posts 1


Hi all!

Having some problems with my website and wondering if anyone could help…

I have 5 buttons and each one needs to fade in a movieclip

3 of the movieclips are just static text

2 are slideshows

the problem i have is that I want each movieclip to fade in and then fade out when another is selected from the main menu buttons!

I've looked all over the forums and cant find the answer anywhere in simple terms (I'm new at flash!)

Is there an actionscript I can add to the buttons or movieclip to make it do this?

I tried to make it work with transitions and goto commands but it didnt work.

Please help!




6:06 pm
February 2, 2010




posts 7


hi rockgirl84,

if you are new to flash this is a pretty tricky item to cover.

the options to look at would certainly be switch/case statements or otherwise a tree of if/else statements.

Due to the lack of examples I would advise you to search the web on tutorials using these if/else statements and switch/case statements.

You will need to define active and non-active buttons example: curentTargetActive:boolean = false;

then follow up on if (curentTargetActive == true){ do something } and the foreach !curentTargetActive you will need to respond to an eventListener. 

this information may be blurry but logical.

will keep you posted.

Happy coding!


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