Advanced XML Menu with ActionScript 3

February 15, 2009 by: smonte

In this tutorial I will teach you how to create an advanced XML menu. We will first set up everything ready in Flash, then create the XML file and finally add some ActionScript 3 for the functionality. Hope you enjoy the tut!

Note: You need TweenMax to fully complete this tutorial.

Setting up the environment

1. Create a new document of size 400×350.

2. First, let’s create a menu item. Draw a rectangle of size 40×40. Convert it into a movie clip named “menuItem”. Set the registration point to the bottom left corner. I used a 4 pixels wide white stroke and for the fill #ff8800.

3. Inside the menu item movie clip, create a new layer and add a dynamic text field in the center of the menu item. Set the text-align to center. Type some number in the text field, e.g. “1″. I used a font size of 16 for my textfield.

Menu Item

4. Embed the numberals in the text field.

Embedding numerals in Flash

5. Give the text field an instance name of “menuText“.

6. Linkage the menu item movie clip to a class named “MenuItem“. If you don’t know how to linkage movie clips, please see step 4 from the External Classes tutorial.

7. Delete the menu item from the stage. We will create all the items dynamically with XML and ActionScript 3.

Creating the XML

8. Create a new text file and type the following.

 version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

9. Save the file as “flash_menu.xml“.

Moving to ActionScript 3

10. Type the following in the first frame of your Flash movie. Feel free to change the XML filepath to match your settings!

//Import TweenMax for animation
import gs.*;
import gs.easing.*;
import gs.plugins.*;
//Save menu item's height to a constant variable
const ITEM_HEIGHT:Number = 50;
//Save the path to the XML file
var xmlPath:String = "";
//The XML data will be inserted into this variable
var xml:XML;
//Set the floor (= y coordinate) for the menu items
var floor:Number = stage.stageHeight - 20;
//We want to know which menu array is currently selected
var selectedMenu:Array;
//We want to keep track how many menus have been created
var menuCounter:uint = 0;
// Load the XML file
var loader = new URLLoader();
loader.load(new URLRequest(xmlPath));
loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, xmlLoaded);
//This function is called when the XML file is loaded
function xmlLoaded(e:Event):void {
        //Make sure we're not working with a null loader
        if (( as URLLoader) != null ) {
                //Insert the loaded data to our XML variable
                xml = new XML(;
                //Ignore white space
                xml.ignoreWhitespace = true;
                //Call the function that creates the whole menu
//This function creates the menus
function createMenus():void {
        //Loop through the menus found in the XML file
        for each (var menu:XML in {
                //We create a menu for each menu found in the xml.
                //We pass the "menu" xml data as a parameter to the function.
                var menuItems:Array = createMenu(menu);
                //Position the menu items that are in the menuItems
                for (var i= 0; i< menuItems.length; i++) {
                        //Set the x and y coordinates
                        menuItems[i].y = floor;
                        menuItems[i].x = -30 + menuCounter * 80;
                        //Add the item to stage
//This function creates a single menu (= one vertical menu).
//It returns all the menu items which belong to the created menu.
function createMenu(menu:XML):Array {
        //Create an array which contains all the items in this menu
        var menuItems:Array = new Array();
        //Loop through the items found in the menu
        for each (var item:XML in menu.item) {
                //Create a new menu item
                var menuItem:MenuItem = new MenuItem();
                //Set the item text
                menuItem.menuText.text = item.toString();
                //Set the menuItem to have no mouseChildres
                menuItem.mouseChildren = false;
                //Add the item to the menuArray
        //We also need to create the main MenuItem for the menu
        var mainItem:MenuItem = new MenuItem();
        //Set the mainItem to have no mouseChildren
        mainItem.mouseChildren = false;
        //Add the main item to menuArray
        //Save the array to which this mainItem belongs to.
        //We need this in the animation later on.
        mainItem.belongsToMenu = menuItems;
        //Set the "id" attribute to be the main item's text
        mainItem.menuText.text = menu. @ id;
        //Add CLICK listener for the mainItem
        mainItem.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, mainItemClicked);
        //Update the menuCounter since we just created a new menu
        //Return the menuArray that contains all the items in this menu
        return menuItems;
//This function is called when a menu's mainItem is clicked
function mainItemClicked(e:Event):void {
        //Animate the previous menu down if there is one
        if (selectedMenu) {
                for (var i =0; i<  selectedMenu.length-1; i++) {
              [i], 0.5 , {y:floor, glowFilter:{color:0x324df, alpha:0, blurX:0, blurY:0}});
        //Get the menu where the mainItem is located
        var clickedMenu:Array =;
        //Set the clickedMenu to be our selectedMenu
        selectedMenu = clickedMenu;
        //Loop through the items except for the last one which is the mainItem.
        //We don't animate the mainItem
        for (var j =0; j<  selectedMenu.length-1; j++) {
                //Save the item to a local variable
                var item = selectedMenu[j];
                //Calcute the target y coordinate for the item.
                var targetY:Number = floor - ITEM_HEIGHT*1.2*(1 + j);
                //Tween an item up.
      , 0.5 , {y:targetY, glowFilter:{color:0xffffff, alpha:1, blurX:20, blurY:20}});

11. You are done, test your movie! Remember, if you have any questions, feel free to visit the forum.

  • Digg
  • Sphinn
  • Mixx

Related tutorials:

  1. Creating a Menu via XML
  2. Colorful Menu with XML and ActionScript 3
  3. Vertical 3D Carousel with ActionScript 3
  4. Vertical Menu with Actionscript 3 and XML
  5. 3D Carousel with XML and ActionScript 3


9 Responses to “Advanced XML Menu with ActionScript 3”
  1. CC says:

    how would you add function for every subbutton which will be opening url from XML?

  2. B says:

    Thanks for the great tutorial smonte.

    In case you ever read this comments:
    Did you noticed the issues when printing this page? Nothing appears after step 6! (firefox 3.0.8)
    Keep up the good work.


  3. SiebZer0 says:

    Hai smonte,

    First off great tutorial i learned allot of it only i have a question maybe u could help me with it,
    I am tweaking your code i changed click in roll Over and Roll Out, so the submenus come up when u roll over and leave when u roll out, only i want to add the submenus to the menu items so that if u roll over a menu and go down/up ( i made it go down) it doesnt clap in because of u roll out mainitem

    can you help me?

  4. adi says:

    Could you write how to add function for every subbutton which will be opening url from XML?

  5. smonte says:

    I think that I will not move to video tutorials. Since I am mostly doing ActionScript, I don’t see the benefit of coding in video…

  6. very good training, Can you do video

  7. smonte says:

    I think you are correct, I added a link where to see how to linkage a movie clip. And feedback is always welcome ;)After all, I’m doing these tuts for my readers, not for me!

  8. Beebs says:

    This is great.

    Wish list : adding functionality - a timer that when the menu Item is not clicked ( or is not being used any more for certain time) - It will retract back to the original position. This way, the sub menu item will not distract the stage layout.

    Well done!

  9. Kemipso says:

    6. Linkage the menu item movie clip to a class named “MenuItem“.

    Maybe this line should be explained a little bit more clearly ?

    You know, like Properties of your movie clip >> Linkage >> Export for ActionScript; or a screen.
    I’m not sure everyone knows where to find this, even if this is a basic of your tutorials.

    - Kemipso
    (sorry if I’m bothering you)
