I don’t know if it right to write directly here but I am trying to
create the menu (similar menu) I found on this website
http://www.jouch.com/. Menu on the left. I created the simple
movieclips and put them on the stage, giving them the instance names
(for example design_mc, …) in action script I attached the
EventLIsteners to the movieClips and created one function “over ” and
second “out”. Using tweens transitions I am changing scaleX and scaleY
and x properties on particular movieClips(put on the stage) but I
don’t know how to dynamicaly change the properties on other movieClips
(like it is on that webside I wrote about). What should I do? use
arrays (but I was trying and in the code (upTween = new
Tween(event.currentTarget, “scaleX”,
Strong.easeOut,_scaleX,1.3,0.2,true); everything is all right but in
this upTween = new Tween(menu.event.target.name, “scaleX”,
Strong.easeOut,_scaleX,1.3,0.2,true); flash can’t use it) . menu is a
name of array: var menu:Array = new Array(“design_mc”, “work_mc”,
“links_mc”, “about_mc”, “contact_mc”);
What could be the best solution to create this menu?
If anyone have any advices, I’m waiting for it! Thank You!