Post edited 3:40 pm – May 21, 2009 by smonte
Post edited 3:42 pm – May 21, 2009 by smonte
Hey! Thanks for some great tutorials.
I have a question though. I modified the snowfall code abit to make it more rainstyle.And i have placed it in a timerevent to just occur at some given times through the timer. Im not extremely experience with AS.
This works all well and dandy, my problem is tho that when i use :
if (particle.y > stage.stageHeight) {
particle.y = 0;
particle.x = Math.random() * stage.stageWidth;
They continue long after the given time in the timer…:)
I have tried changing it up abit to only work when a certain boolean is goin etc, but i can get it to work. 
Any help please?:)