Hey everyone first timmer to Flashmymind.com; Love the tuts very helpfull; Working on a mini-game at the moment im trying to edit a movieclip that is in the library loaded from the timeline which is updated by a class
Flash Timeline
var clientMC:client = new client(); //load dummy mc for client
clientC:clientPlayer = new clientPlayer(clientMC)
import flash.net.*
import flash.display.*
import flash.events.*
public class clientPlayer extends MovieClip
public var newXSpeed = 0;// dynamic var; player speed compensation
public var newYSpeed = 0; //dynamic var; player speed compensation
public var targetX = 0;
public var targetY = 0;
public var playerMC:MovieClip
public function clientPlayer(player:MovieClip)
playerMC = player
//addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, update);