Flipping Image Pieces with ActionScript 3
March 10, 2009 by: smonteIn this lesson I will show you how to flip image pieces when the user hovers over an image! This tutorial will use only ActionScript 3, no messing around with the stage!
Note: You need TweenMax in order to fully complete this tutorial.
1. Download an image that you want to use in the Flash movie.
2. Create a new Flash document of the same size as the image.
3. In the first frame of your Flash movie, type the following
//Import Tweenmax import gs.*; import gs.easing.*; import gs.plugins.*; TweenPlugin.activate([BlurFilterPlugin]); //Image piece's width and height const IMAGE_PIECE_WIDTH:uint = 50; const IMAGE_PIECE_HEIGHT:uint = 50; //We want to know how many image pieces there are on the stage var imagePieces:Number = 0; //Load an image and listen when the loading is complete. //For the "URLRequest", specify the path for your image. var imageLoader:Loader = new Loader(); imageLoader.load(new URLRequest("your_image_path")); imageLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, completeHandler); //This function is called when the image is loaded. //We slice the image into pieces and add the image pieces to the stage. function completeHandler(event:Event):void { //Get the bitmap data of the loaded image var imageTextureMap:BitmapData = event.target.content.bitmapData; //Calculate how many colums and rows we will have var columns:Number = Math.ceil(imageTextureMap.width / IMAGE_PIECE_WIDTH); var rows:Number = Math.ceil(imageTextureMap.height / IMAGE_PIECE_HEIGHT); //Loop through the colums for (var i = 0; i < columns; i++) { //Loop through the rows for (var j = 0; j < rows; j++) { //Create a new movieclip that holds a single image piece var imagePieceHolder:MovieClip = new MovieClip(); //Create a new image piece, to which we will copy bitmap data //from the original image. var imagePiece:Bitmap = new Bitmap(); imagePiece.bitmapData = new BitmapData(IMAGE_PIECE_WIDTH,IMAGE_PIECE_HEIGHT); //Copy a rectangular area from the original image to our image piece. imagePiece.bitmapData.copyPixels(imageTextureMap, new Rectangle(i * IMAGE_PIECE_WIDTH, j * IMAGE_PIECE_HEIGHT, IMAGE_PIECE_WIDTH, IMAGE_PIECE_HEIGHT), new Point(0,0)); //Add the image piece to an image holder imagePieceHolder.addChild(imagePiece); //Adjust the image piece position in the holder so that the registration point will be centered imagePiece.x = - (IMAGE_PIECE_WIDTH / 2); imagePiece.y = - (IMAGE_PIECE_HEIGHT / 2); //Position the image holder to the stage. //We position the holders so that it looks like the original image. imagePieceHolder.x = i * IMAGE_PIECE_WIDTH + IMAGE_PIECE_WIDTH / 2; imagePieceHolder.y = j * IMAGE_PIECE_HEIGHT + IMAGE_PIECE_HEIGHT / 2; //Listen when the mouse hovers over an image piece imagePieceHolder.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mouseOverHandler); //Add the imagePiece holder to the stage addChild(imagePieceHolder); //Update the image pieces counter imagePieces++; } } } //This function is called when the mouse hovers over an image piece holder function mouseOverHandler(e:Event):void { //Save the holder to a local variable var imagePieceHolder = (MovieClip)(e.target); //Flip the image using TweenMax. //We will call the function "flipped()" when the animation is finished. TweenMax.to(imagePieceHolder, 0.5, {scaleX: -1, alpha: 0.5, blurFilter:{blurX:5, blurY:5}, onComplete:flipped, onCompleteParams:[imagePieceHolder]}); //Remove the MOUSE_OVER event listener imagePieceHolder.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mouseOverHandler); } //This function is called when the holder has flipped function flipped(imagePieceHolder:MovieClip):void { //Tween the holder back to original scale. //Call the function "flippedBack()" when finished. TweenLite.to(imagePieceHolder, 1, {scaleX: 1, alpha: 1, blurFilter:{blurX:0, blurY:0}, onComplete:flippedBack, onCompleteParams:[imagePieceHolder]}); } //This function is called when the holder is flipped back to original scale function flippedBack(imagePieceHolder:MovieClip):void { //We can start to listen for the MOUSE_OVER event again imagePieceHolder.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mouseOverHandler); }
4. You are done, test your movie!
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6 Responses to “Flipping Image Pieces with ActionScript 3”Leave a Reply
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It is the path to the image … e.g. https://flashmymind.com/image.jpg
i do not understand this part (”your_image_path”)) too.
i do not understand this part (“your_image_path”));
Can’t get it to work for some reason. i did a cut and paste to see if I got the TweenMax ‘as’ files in the correct location. I get errors saying that files are not where they should be. I just copied the files and folders to the root directory of my project. it can’t seem to find them or something.
give me the reaplay
This is great, cannot believe how good TweeMax is! What would be nice is to be able to use this on page transitions? No doubt you can….any chance of a tutorial for that?
Cheers for the superb tuts!!!